spring pulseSpring Pulse Poetry Festival poetry festival

Laura’s Art Shoppe Limerick Contest 2019

We had a good number of entries for the Limerick Contest this year!

Congratulations to the winners for some very clever writings.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write a limerick as well as making donations to the Food Bank in lieu of entry fees.

First Prize: Emma Laughlin

There once was a mouse in a bottle
My first instinct-yes-was to throttle
But mouse squeezed out
To ramble about
And now only air’s in the bottle.

Second Prize: John H. Yates

There once was a scatterbrained cricket,
Who purchased a stamp at the wicket.
But delivery failed
When the letter was mailed,
For the cricket neglected to lick it.

Third Prize: Linda Finnerty

The snow looks so white and pristine
But Mother Nature is very mean
She dumps off a load
That closes the road
And makes Summer a faraway dream.